Echo header row means repeating the same headings of the first page for all the subsequent pages of a tabular array in a give-and-take document.

In other words:

When the information in a table fill in the current folio and start filling the data for the next pages, It's heading of that table also needs to be repeated for each page. Repeatedly typing the same heading on each folio can be time consuming and annoying. Initially, if y'all type the heading on the first page and if yous use the repeat header rows tool, so all subsequent pages will be repeated with a header when y'all continuously enter data.

  • Initially, insert the table with a number of rows and columns you desire
inserting a table in MS-Word
Inserting a table in Discussion
  • Afterwards inserting the table, Type the heading/Header you desire on the kickoff row of a table.
  • Now select the heading/header of a tabular array.
  • Then go to the table tools Layout Tabtab.
  • Now click on the Echo Header Rows in the Data group.
  • To first repeating the header rows, practise i of the following:

     a) Position your cursor on the last prison cell of a column/row then printing and go on hold down theTab key to insert more rows, or

    b) Fill up the content in the table below the header/headings of a tabular array equally much as you want when the current folio fills and so automatically starts the header of the tabular array on the next page or,

How to Repeat Header Rows
How to Repeat Header Rows
Repeat Header Rows for selecting a column
Repeat Header Rows for selecting a column
Numbered list in MS Word
Numbered list in MS Give-and-take
Positioning a cursor
Positioning a cursor

If yo u would like to start the number list in the first column of this table by "Repeating the Header Rows", do the following:

  • Select the first cavalcade where you desire to offset the number listing equally shown in the picture given below
Repeat Header Rows of a Table in MS-Word
Repeat Header Rows
  • Go to the Home tab
  • Click on the drop-down arrow of the number list in the Paragraph group,
  • Then select one of the number list formats
  • Now run into your first column of a table which is with number list
  • If you would like to generate the number listing on all the rows of a table along with repeating the header rows, position your cursor at the last jail cell of a column/row
  • Strike and keep hold down the tab key for a while to insert more rows with auto-generating number list forth with repeating the Header on all the pages.
  • Your document pages appear equally shown in the motion picture given below after inserting the number list along with Repeating Header Rows.

Is header row of your table non working? that means yous might  non be selecting the header of the table earlier selecting the echo header row command.

  • Make sure your header selection.
  • Then select the command "Repeat Header Rows" in the Layout tab, on the Data grouping.

*That'due south plenty to the repeat the header rows of a table.

  1. half-dozen-Ways to Duplicate a Worksheet in MS-Excel:
  2. Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Environment
  3. Change Worksheet Tab Colour in 4-Ways in MS-Excel
  4. vi-Means to Insert New Worksheet In MS-Excel.


Most frequent questions and answers

How to Echo Tabular array header on each page in Word?

Repeating as header rows of a table means that all the headings (all the header pages) in the get-go row of the tabular array on all subsequent pages volition be repeated in the Word document.

What happens past repeating the table header rows in Give-and-take?

A unique and first folio header will be repeated on all subsequent pages in a Word certificate.

Why does repeat header row in word 2016, or 2019 not work?

If you don't any idea or don't follow the steps explained in this commodity, the header rows doesn't work.